Vaping Review

How to Make Your Pop Disposable Vape Last Longer

So, you bought a pop disposable vape and want to ensure you get the best out of it? Relax; you aren’t alone – that’s what all vapers wish to do. Unfortunately, most of them don’t know what they can do to make this happen.

  • Charge Fully Before First Use

Your pop vape comes with a pre-charged battery, but it’s still a good idea to give it a full charge before using it for the first time. This will ensure the battery is at maximum capacity so you can enjoy the max number of puffs per charge right from the start. Plug in the vape for at least 2 to 3 hours (or as advised by the manufacturer) until the LED light stops blinking, indicating it’s fully charged.

  • Take Smaller Puffs

Instead of taking long, hard puffs on your vape, take shorter, lighter puffs. Smaller puffs will produce fewer vapors so that you won’t burn through the e-liquid as quickly. Your vape will also stay at a lower temperature, which helps conserve battery life. Try taking puffs of 2 to 3 seconds instead of 5 to 7 seconds.

  • Turn Off When Not in Use

If your pop vape uses a button, turn it off whenever you’re not using it for a few minutes or more. Leaving it on standby mode still slightly drains the battery. While it may not seem like a lot, the battery used in standby mode over hours or days of non-use can add up significantly.

  • Avoid Chain Vaping

Chain vaping, continuously without breaks, will drain your vape battery fast and burn through e-liquid quickly. Give your vape a rest for at least a few minutes between sessions. This gives the battery and coil time to cool down and prevents the e-liquid from getting too hot, which can lead to a burnt taste. Your vape—and lungs—will thank you.

Troubleshooting Common Issues With Pop Disposable Vapes

So your pop disposable vape isn’t working quite right. Don’t worry; a few common issues are usually easy to fix. Here are some troubleshooting tips before chucking your vape in the trash.

Battery Issues

The battery is the heart of your vape, so if the vape isn’t working, it is the first thing to check.

  • Make sure the battery is fully charged. Even if the charge light comes on, the battery could be drained. Plug it in for at least 2 hours to fully charge it.
  • Check that the battery contacts are clean. Gunk buildup on the contacts can prevent the battery from connecting correctly. Wipe them down with a clean, dry cloth or cotton swab and rubbing alcohol.
  • The battery may need to be replaced if it’s not working. Purchase a replacement battery from the vape manufacturer or a reputable vape shop such as Aaokvape.

E-Liquid Levels

If the battery seems fine, but you’re still not getting good vapor production, the e-liquid levels in your vape cartridge could be low or empty.

  • Shake the vape to check how much e-liquid remains. It’s time for a refill or replacement cartridge if it sounds nearly empty.
  • Check that the e-liquid ports or wicks are saturated. Wicks won’t correctly vaporize the e-liquid if they have dried out. You may be able to salvage the cartridge by dropping a few e-liquid drops directly onto the wicks to re-saturate them.
  • Refill the tank with your favorite e-liquid flavor and nicotine level for refillable vapes. Please make sure not to overfill, or it may leak.

If you’ve tried the steps above and your pop disposable vape still isn’t working well, it may be time to replace it.